Dear Family and Friends...

an open letter to the people in our lives

Dear Family & Friends, 

You are a big part of our lives, and we're inviting you in to this next leg of our journey.  Our kiddo is trans.  It's big news.  Some people have responded with happy congratulations and some with tears, but everyone has questions.

We trust that you want to show your love and support, but we also know our society has huge knowledge gaps that can make this transition hard or awkward at best.  So, we've put together a treasure trove of resources to help you learn and hopefully answer some of your questions.   

Thank you for your support and your efforts to join us where we are. 


The Parents of a Truly Amazing Kiddo

What can I do?

Use your loved one's new name and refer to them with their preferred pronouns in conversation.

When you forget or mess up, don't make a big deal of it.  "Oops, I meant _____, sorry," and move on.  

If you have questions, read through the resources below, try googling, or watch some of the trans content creators who have made excellent videos to help educate allies.  You can also ask us (their parents).  

Please do not ask our child personal or intrusive questions about their transition.

Ready to learn?

Let's start with some Vocabulary...

Gender - how you identify (feel) inside.

Sex assigned at birth - what your parents/health care providers decided your sex was based on your visible anatomy.  For most people, gender and sex assigned at birth are the same.  About 1.6% of adults in the US have a gender that is different from their assigned sex, which is about the same as the number of natural redheads.

Transgender - (adjective) describes a gender different from your assigned sex.

Cisgender - (adjective) describes a gender that is the same as your assigned sex. 

Sexuality - who you are attracted to (this is not related to your gender).

Transition - making changes to help you live as yourself.  This can include social changes like name, pronouns, hair cut and clothes, or medical changes under the advice and care of a team of professionals.  


Human Rights Council Trans Day of Visibility - a 2 minute youtube video showing the variety of transgender people in society around you
How to Talk (and Listen) to Trans People - Jackson Bird, a youtube creator and trans man shares a quick primer on trans folks. 
Trans People Nail The Absurdity Of The Bathroom Debate - from Refinery 29's Trans 102 Playlist

A Texas doctor explains gender affirming care in a news interview.

Jon Stewart interviews Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge (excerpt)

Scientific American - How Junk Science is Being Used Against Trans Kids

Trans kids talk about their family experiences.

A complete series for people who want to know more about what it means to be trans created by a trans man.

Why pronouns matter, according to trans students.

How to Refer to Trans People in the Past - Jackson Bird on grammar and etiquette as part of his Trans FAQ series.

Bingeworthy YouTube Channels

Jackson Bird

Jamie Dodger 

Ty Turner

Samantha Lux  

Kat Blaque 

Mathilda Hogberg 

Equality VA

Refinery 29   The Trans 102 Playlist

National Center for Transgender Equality

Minus 18

Celebrities Who took a Deeper Dive into Trans Issues

The War Over Gender - The Problem with Jon Stewart Season 2 Episode 1 

Transgender Rights II - [not family appropriate] Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 


Quick Reads

by Gender Spectrum.

The Human Rights Campaign answers common questions about transgender rights.

NYT Opinion Article. 

A Human Rights Campaign article that helps discuss how to know if your kid is trans and what to do.


put out by the Trevor Project.

an article with interviews of trans folks discussing the results of a recent poll by the Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

"Watching people mourn the loss of you while you are standing right in front of them is a surreal experience that only someone who is transgender can truly understand."  A discussion of the grief some family members feel from the perspective of a trans woman.

TYFA Advisory Board Member, Reid Vanderburgh, MA discusses what transition is like for children.

Do you feel like referring to one person as "they" is just a step too far?  It turns out we've been doing it all along.  (Wikipedia)


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